Sunday, July 17, 2005

It's been a while

hi, I know it's been quite a while since i've posted anything here,but the thing is,I' very busy these days. So i figured why not write something now.It's a calm,sunny Sunday morning afterall... only problem is ..not much inspiration. Oh I know:how about an alternate life,if u got to compare it to a tv series which would it be and what charactre would u be/want to be?Have u ever looked at your fave tv show like that. Do any of u kow the australian series Mcleod's Daughters?It's ver nice. Well I guess if my alternate life were to be on Drover's Run,I'd probably be Becky,though if I got to choose I 'd want to be more like Claire,the boss,kinda.She's the one who always gets it together,she's a fair boss to the others,and a good friend and sister to have. Have u ever thought,while watching tv,oh he/she s kinda like me? or 'wish I was a bit more like that',.. Or if u have a favourite tv charactre,u can let me U know how..

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